PhD 2023S: Sichang Tu

Empathetic Conversational AI: Assessing and Supporting Trauma and PTSD

Sichang Tu

Date: 2023-03-24 / 4:00 ~ 5:00 PM
Location: MSC W301


This presentation introduces the Empathetic Conversational AI, a collaborative project with the Grady Trauma Project, which aims to understand the clinical and physiological implications of trauma exposure in civilian populations and leverage conversational AI to enhance Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) assessment, support, and intervention. The presentation details the project’s progress thus far, including the data preprocessing, automatic audio transcription, and speaker diarization.  Furthermore, the audio transcription process, which utilized three different tools (OpenAI Whisper, Rev.AI, and Azure), will be discussed, along with the evaluation of their respective results to assess effectiveness and accuracy.

