ELIT: Language Toolkit

Emory NLP and AWS GluonNLP have embarked on a collaborative project to develop a cloud-based NLP framework. The primary objective of this initiative is to create a seamless integration of NLP components within a pipeline. By leveraging the power of cloud computing, the framework will enable efficient connectivity and coordination between various NLP modules, allowing for smooth and streamlined processing of natural language data.

This project is funded by:

Duration: 01/2018 ~ 05/2020


  • Jinho Choi - Associate Professor at Emory University
  • Sheng Zha - Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS)




  1. ELIT: Emory Language and Information Toolkit. He, H.; Xu, L.; and Choi, J. D. arXiv, 2109.03903, 2021.
  2. ELIT: The Cloud-based Research Platform Where Anyone Can Deploy Their Models. Lai, G.; Shin, B.; and Choi, J. D. Technical Report, ResearchGate, 2018.