Emory NLP

Challenging the Limit of Language Technology

Two papers by James Finch, Sichang Tu, Boxin Zhao, and Jinho Choi are accepted to the Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL) 2024.

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Dr. Jinho Choi gave a seminar to the Linguistics Colloquium at Seoul National University (SNU).

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2 Ph.D. students and 4 undergraduates from Emory NLP graduated this year.

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Emory NLP went out for dinner at D92 Korean BBQ.

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Alexandru Rudi (senior) and Chen Gong (senior) received departmental awards.

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Emory NLP went out to take annual photos.

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Emory University hosted the First South NLP Symposium, with 150+ attendees representing 20+ schools.

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Two Ph.D. students from Emory NLP, James Finch and Sarah Finch, successfully defended their dissertations.

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Four students from Emory NLP, Jacob Choi, Ellie Paek, Peilin Wu, and Zinc Zhao, received the highest honors.

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Sichang Tu, a third-year PhD student at the Emory NLP Lab, has successfully passed the qualifying exam.

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A paper by Sarah Finch and James Finch is accepted to the Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (COLING-LREC) 2024.

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Dr. Jinho Choi has been invited to serve as a panelist for the NIH Language and Communication Study Section.

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  • 400 Dowman Drive, Atlanta, GA, USA
  • Math and Science Center, Suite W401

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